Insurance & Regress

Beaufort Litigation acts for H&M, P&I and FDD insurers, insurance brokers, correspondents and dedicated claims handlers on a near 24/7 basis. We know the applicable clauses and how to apply them.
Beaufort Litigation acts before Dutch Courts and Arbitral Tribunals (ICC, NAI, UNUM) on a day-to-day basis. Because your interests are not always – or better: generally not – best served by ‘going to court’, we often go to great lengths to negotiate out of court. And with success.
We are typically instructed in the following cases:

  • >collisions and allisions;
  • technical vices and H&M disputes;
  • fire on board;
  • general average;
  • limitation of liability; and
  • cargo claims, amongst which road transportation matters.

Defence counsel for the Russian-Cypriot holder of security rights in >100 containers to be sold per judicial auction.

Advisory, litigation, defence

Advising a major owner/operator on sludge disposal per MARPOL and Dutch port standards.

Advisory, contractual

Defence counsel for Swiss industrialists in a technical dispute. On the basis of a battle of the forms-defence, the case was dismissed in the Netherlands with highly favorable effects for clients.

(Pre-)litigation, advisory

Defence counsel for vessel owner re an unjust and contractually exonerated demurrage claim.

Advisory, defence

Advising German industrialists in a European tender procedure.

Advisory, (pre-)litigation)

Acting for vessel owners in a technical dispute regarding vices in a bow thruster installed in a new-build seulting in extensive hull damage.

Advisory, litigation

Defence counsel for pushboat owners in an extensive allision (barge – quay) case.

Advisory, defence

Drafting of T&C for vessel managers, surveyors and shipyards.

Advisory, contractual

Acting for vessel owners in a new-build dispute over hidden vices in a non-return valve resulting in extensive hull damage.

Advisory, litigation

Acting for vessel owners against a shipyard in a dispute over contractual scope, performance and pricing.

Advisory, (pre-)litigation

Advising major shipowners on forum and choice of law clauses in contracts of affreightment.


Advising shipowner on a Maritime Labour Convention claim for death of a seafarer.


Defence counsel for pushboat owners in a collision between a pushtrain and a pleasure craft.

Advisory, litigation

Acting for major maritime traders in an international asset recovery matter against a former contractual partner.


Acting for shipowners in a collision between a tanker and a pushtrain.


Acting for insured interests of an antiques estate in an insurance coverage dispute in an extensive fire damage case.

Advisory, litigation

Defence counsel for insurers of cargo interests in a CMR theft case, in which carriers have launched negative declaratory (limitation) proceeding in the Netherlands.


Acting for shipowners regarding a claim for hull damage following high-pressure water blasting.


Defence counsel for barge owner in extensive limitation of liability proceedings following an allision with a bridge. Bridge owners and pushboat owners launched the claim that the barge was a seagoing vessel. This claim failed, leading to new case law on topic.


Acting for shipowners in a limitation of liability procedure following an oil spill.


Acting for barge owners regarding a hull claim following a three-party collision.


Advising industrial complex managers on facilities contracts and drafting contracts.

Advisory, contractual

Advising and acting for shipowners following an allision with a bridge.

Advisory, (pre-litigation)

Acting for industrial complex managers in a pricing dispute.


Acting for an international bank in a major international asset recovery matter.

Advisory, litigation

Acting for shipowners regarding hull damages following a three-party collision.


Defence counsel for pushboat owners and operators in a canal collision between a pushtrain and an inland vessel, which collision was caused by suction and lead to extensive damage.


Defence counsel for pushboat owners in an allision between a bridge and a barge following the anchoring of the barge by the pushboat.


Defence counsel for shipowners encountering an unjust collision claim (no liability).


Acting for pushboat owners and operators in a major limitation of liability case following the collosion of an inlang barge with a pushtrain.


Acting for barge owners in a dispute over hull damages against the barge’s carriers.


Acting for major maritime traders in an international asset recovery matter against shipowners.


Advising and drafting SPA of a vessel.

Advisory, contractual

Advising on lease of property for major German industrialists and drafting the relevant contracts.

Advisory, contractual

Acting for major maritime traders in an international asset recovery matter against former contractual partner.


Acting for maritime agents of a vessel sold per judicial auction.

Advisory, litigation

Advising shipowners in allision matter in the Dutch Antilles following a hurricane.
